Dirty Boy PreampDirty Boy PedalsRevolutionizing guitar recording and live shows with an ultra-compact design Tube Amp Emulation. The new DIRTY BOY preamp, is powered by T.A.E. technology (propr...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka3795 :-Goat Blue Series SustainorGOATGoat Blue Series Sustainor – The Legendary Rockman Sound, Now in a Pedal Inspired by the legendary SR&D Rockman Sustainor Model 200, the Goat Blue Series Sustain...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4499 :-Synergy Module Diezel Vh4SynergyDIEZEL – VH4 Preamp Module Peter Diezel and the Diezel Amplification brand are synonymous with boutique-quality, high-gain amplification. Since the release of th...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Vai ModuleSynergyVAI SIGNATURE Preamp Module Steve Vai has become synonymous with tone, technique, and all aspects of the electric guitar with tenacious, creative energy that exp...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Synergy PLEXISynergyPLEXI Preamp Module There’s no question about it. A cranked British stack is, was, and always will be the sound of rock. From the moment in the 1960s when these ...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Synergy DRCTSynergySynergy Drect Preamp Module The Synergy DRECT is an all-tube, two channel module that pays homage to the legendary rectified amplifiers that have left an indelib...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Synergy 800SynergySOLDANO SLO II Preamp Module The original SLO pre-amp captured the iconic Super Lead Overdrive sound and quickly became the most sought-after module in the Syner...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Metropoulos Metro PlexSynergyMETROPOULOS METRO PLEX Preamp Module George Metropoulos has spent over 20 years ripping, restoring and analyzing vintage Marshall amps. Specifically, 100 watt Su...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Fryette Pittbull ULSynergyFRYETTE PITTBULL ULTRA-LEAD Preamp Module The Fryette® Pittbull® Ultra-Lead® (formerly branded VHT®) has been the secret sonic weapon of metal guitarists Page Ha...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Fryette DeliveranceSynergyFryette Deliverance Preamp Module The Fryette® Deliverance® (formerly branded VHT®) is the embodiment of Fryette DNA stripped down to its most essential form. Th...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Friedman DSSynergyFRIEDMAN DS Preamp Module Dave Friedman is the man behind some of the most impressive tones in rock ‘n’ roll, and has been for over 25 years. Throughout that tim...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Friedman BE-BBFriedmanFRIEDMAN BE-BB Preamp Module Dave Friedman is the man behind some of the most impressive tones in rock ‘n’ roll and has been for over 25 years. Throughout that t...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Engl SavageSynergyENGL SAVAGE Preamp Module Engl amplifiers have long been known as a premium example of boutique, high-gain tone. And a large part of that legacy is due to the es...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Engl PowerballSynergyENGL POWERBALL Preamp Module Engl amplifiers have a long legacy of well-loved, precise-sounding, high-gain amplifiers. So when they set out to make the most flex...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Diezel Vh4SynergyDIEZEL – VH4 Preamp Module Peter Diezel and the Diezel Amplification brand are synonymous with boutique-quality, high-gain amplification. Since the release of th...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Diezel HerbertSynergyDiezel Herbert Preamp Module The Herbert originated in the time of 7- and 8-string guitars and is more contemporary than ever. Built for ultra-tight bottom-end a...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Synergy Module Bogner UberschallSynergyBOGNER UBERSCHALL Preamp Module SYNERGY BOGNER ÜBERSCHALL – DUAL CHANNEL TUBE PREAMP MODULE In the world of high-end, high-gain guitar amplification, the Bogner...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka4995 :-Marshall JCM800 Amp Series Distortion PedalMarshallCapture the roar and dynamic response of the iconic JCM800 amp in the JCM800 Distortion Pedal. From crunchy rhythms to searing leads, this pedal delivers signatu...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka1650 :-Marshall JCM900 Amp Series Distortion PedalMarshallMeet the Marshall JCM900 High Gain Pedal, bringing you iconic JCM900 amp sound inits most compact format. Capture versatile tones defining Marshall’s rock and me...Förboka välj faktura (går att avboka innan vi levererar) Paypal kostar 3% att avboka1650 :-
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