Caveman Audio - tgt11

Caveman Audio

The Caveman Audio Story & My Philosophy

During the past decades, we have seen constant evolution in technology.

Barriers are moved every day, and things that would have seemed like total science fiction only a few years ago is now reality. And still, bass and guitar players are struggling with the same basic issues they have been dealing with the past 30-40 years. It almost seems as if time has been on hold…We have made it our quest to address and rectify these problems, bringing modern guitar and bass products to a whole new level. No more hum, noise, signal loss, cross-loading issues, instability, etc

Our approach is to maintain the bass/guitar-direct-into-amp sound, while not introducing any additional noise. We have spent many years developing and refining this concept.

Basically, any audio system is like a mathematical puzzle. It primarily presents two challenges – impedance problems and signal level matching. These two issues should be addressed in every product and throughout the entire system.

Further, stages are very harsh environments. There are issues you need to deal with, which are not present in your rehearsal room or when playing at home: Radio signals, light dimmers and noisy mains are some of the most severe issues.

We have developed a concept that allows us to suppress ground noise with up to 120dB in any product we design and build, while at the same time making the unit virtually immune to airborne noise and magnetic field sources. We use this concept when designing our own products.

Robustness and durability is also a key factor for any touring musician. Your system should be able to withstand the endurance of ‘life on the road’. This is also dealt with when we design a product.

This is of course not a comprehensive description of what we do, but it should give you a basic idea of our approach – as well as what to expect when you plug a Caveman Audio product into your precious signal chain!

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