Vemuram Jan Ray - TGT11 - tgt11
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Vemuram Jan Ray

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Transparens när den är som bäst! Vemurams klassiker Jan-Ray som gång på gång levererar ett klockrent resultat!

Det har inte undgått många att Vemuram är en av de ledande tillverkarna i kategorin ”Boutique” med användare som Michael Landau, John Shanks, Josh Smith, Mateus Asato och Doyle Bramhall II.

Flaggskeppet Jan Ray ger allt ifrån naturlig och förstärkarelik brill till nyanserad punch som ska efterlikna en överdriven Fender Deluxe Reverb från 60-talet. Jan Ray fungerar lika bra till att ha som ”always-on” eller som att boosta på andra overdrives man tycker om då den behåller kedjans karaktär utan att påverka och ge onaturlig kompression.

Så det är inga konstigheter med att Jan Ray har en betydande roll på många bord!

Teodor Naess - These Go To 11


The Jan Ray is a natural sounding overdrive pedal that intentionally doesn't change the relationship between your guitar and amp. It doesn't compress or colour the sound as much as a TS style drive would but it pushes the front-end of a tube a tube amp hard enough to give you sweet sustain and breakup.

Transparent overdrive

The word has been bandied about many times before but the Jan Ray is one of the original (and best) transparent overdrives on the market. It doesn't add that mid-range hump and you can think of it more as a spark to ignite a good amp and guitar combination.

Simple Setup

The layout is familiar and easy to use and you'll probably want to tailor the preferred outcome from the pedal by using the saturation trim knob (To access the trimmer you need a small screwdriver and it's located at the top of the pedal). You can take your overdrive sound from mild to fat and saturated (though not in heavily distorted terms).

  • Controls from top left are: Volume, Gain
  • Bottom left to right: Bass, Treble


Here's what Vemuram say about the Jan Ray

The Fender Magic 6 sound! An easy to handle overdrive with great sustain without any unnatural compression. It keeps the characteristics of the tones that the guitars naturally produce. The Jan Ray reproduces that great sustaining punchy clear tones of the blackface Fender amps from the 60's. The tone is crispy yet the low is warm and mellow.


  • Controls: Volume, Gain, Bass, Treble, Saturation trimmer
  • Switches: ON/OFF
  • Terminal: Input, Output
  • Power: 006P (9 Volt Battery) or 9Volt regulated AC/DC adapter
  • Size: 70(W)x112(D)x50(H)mm
  • Weight: 428g



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