Sinvertek Invincible OD SET NG Edition

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What is Next-Generation Overdrive
The Next Generation Overdrive refers to an overdrive pedal that combines overdrive characteristic amplification and full-range guitar amp amplification, resulting in a tone that possesses both the overdrive tone and the amp tone. It enables true transmission between
the guitar and the amp, allowing you to hear the genuine notes.
Why did I create the invicible OD set?
The overdrive pedal has been in development for 40 years but is still in its infancy. This is by no means alarmist. I have always believed that the overdrive pedal is the weakest part in the high-end guitar signal chain, even if your guitar and amp are the best, using the overdrive pedals that are currently on the market, you can’t get a real good guitar tone, overdrive pedal has become the bottleneck in the entire signal chain. I call these overdrive pedals currently on the market the first generation, this kind of overdrive pedals can only achieve the overdrive characteristic amplification, but not like the tube amp has both the overdrive characteristic amplification and overall guitar signal amplification.
Therefore, the guitar signal with only overdrive characteristic amplification will lose harmonics, distort the spectrum. So it cannot transmit the original spectrum and rich harmonics of the guitar to the amp. The overdrive pedal does add overdrive flavor to your tone, but at the same time it loses the harmonics and spectrum of your guitar tone, so people would buy a variety of overdrive pedals and find a balance among them.In order to emphasize and amplify the full spectrum of vintage wood, perfectly displaying every level of a note, I spent ten years developing SHOD, which allows you to hear the true tone of the vintage guitar! SHOD is the child of an ancient guitar amp and overdrive pedal, it belongs to the 60s and 70s.
New era of overdrive tone
The Invincible Overdrive Set represents a culmination of ten years of research on overdrive, redefining my aesthetic for overdrive tones. It marks Sinvertek's official entry into a new era of overdrive tone. The unique circuit design aims to bring the tone back to that golden age, utilizing a large number of the most cherished vintage components, all handcrafted and fine-tuned by ear. It represents my highest level of tonal achievement to date!
The Invincible Overdrive Set the NG edition has 59 sets. The year 1959 was historically significant for the electric guitar industry, and the Invincible Overdrive Set was created specifically for these top-tier instruments. If you like me, have spent your life pursuing the ultimate tone, please give IOS a try. It will surely be your final destination for overdrive tones!
SHODB- Preamp OD Gain Stage
The SHODB is the spectrum combination of a vintage amp and an overdrive pedal. It has both rich harmonics and a taste of old overdrive. It was designed to achieve true transmission of a high-end guitar signal chain. A unique circuit design. a tone you never heard before. Super natural and saturated, extremely strong and transparent. It will be the ultimate choice for an
overdrive pedal!
SHODA-Mixed Signal Overdrive
The SHODA is the next-generation mixed signal overdrive. Klon Centaur is my favorite vintage overdrive, so I spent a lot of time redesigning it to make it perfect. While staying true to the original tone, I redesigned the frequency spectrum. Compared to the Centaur, I believe the overall tone has improved by as much as 50%.
The reason is that I want to introduce a completely NEW GUITAR TONE Super Harmonic Overdrive- It’s not just because SHODA and SHODB are the best in their respective fields, but because Wu wanted to recommend a completely new tone - Super Harmonic Overdrive. Using SHODB to drive SHODA will get a new guitar tone that is different from the distortion tone of a tube amp or the tone produced when an amp is pushed by an overdrive pedal. It simultaneously possesses the rich high harmonics and low-frequency response of an amp while maintaining the strong and clear midrange characteristic of an overdrive. It’s a tone you’ve never heard before. When connected to a JTM45, it can be more transparent than a Plexi, and when used with a Twin Reverb, it can be more robust than
a Dumble ODS!!!