ISP Decimator X

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Next-gen Noise Reduction with the Latest in Adaptive Performance
Are you tired of permanent background noise from pickups and pedals? Your audience sure is! The Decimator X Noise Reduction pedal from ISP Technologies lets you enjoy more music and less noise. This pedal builds on ISP’s patented noise reduction tech with new adaptive circuitry you can tweak for short notes and sustained sound events as well. Moreover, this enhanced circuit gets rid of tone-sucking artifacts, like the strange modulation sometimes introduced by yesteryear’s attempts at noise reduction. The Decimator X noise reduction pedal can be used to keep high-gain rigs sounding professional or to prune troublesome hum from noisy pedalboard setups. Guitarists at Sweetwater relish the sound and feel of a single-coil pickup driven through a loud amp, and the Decimator X is a clever way to professionally upgrade that single-coil sound by eliminating 60-cycle hum.
Choppy staccatos or slow sustain — Decimator X goes with the flow!
The Decimator X offers ISP’s most adaptive noise reduction technology yet. Transparent tone and natural decays are the name of the game — they always have been with Decimator tools — but the Decimator X’s automated release time changes are retooled and better than ever before, thanks to variable integration time window technology that automatically slides down in response to negative audio peaks. Veteran Decimator fans will find sustained events get the biggest performance improvements. Slow-decay power chords, screaming drawn-out leads, and ringing open chords can now be had without any intrusive modulation artifacts sullying your big moment. The tech is immensely powerful, but using it couldn’t be easier. The Decimator X’s intuitive threshold control puts you in the ballpark where you need to be, and the pedal handles noise reduction from there. Fast staccato passages, dramatic pauses, lengthy decays — enjoy them all with a natural sound when you engage the Decimator X!
Stage-ready routing and tour-grade durability
The Decimator X noise reduction pedal lets you fearlessly take its patented sound-enhancing tools on the road or to the studio. Its ultra-rugged tank-like chrome enclosure handles the rigors of the road and gigs without burning out. Beyond common instrument jacks, the Decimator X offers two link ports located on the rear panel. These ports let dual-channel amp and stereo rig users handle noise reduction for all their signal paths with coordinated input signal detection for two or more Decimators.
ISP Technologies Decimator X Features:
- A must-have pedal for high-quality noise reduction in a portable package
- Updates the patented sound of previous patented ISP noise reduction with greater adaptive features
- Cuts background noise, including 60-cycle hum, while preserving natural tone
- Decimator X technology responds well to both rapid staccatos and slow decaying notes
- Total elimination of modulation artifacts often common to yesteryear's noise reduction tools
- Versatile routing with added link jacks for syncing Decimator pedals to dual-channel or stereo rigs
- Sturdy polished chrome enclosure — reliable for gigging musicians and pedal users with a lead foot!