Fulltone Custom Shop Wahfull

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Fulltone Wahfull
Enhanced Bypass Testimonial:
"I wasn't surprised at the greatness of the new WahFull. And it IS awesome. The thing that really knocked me out was the "Enhanced Bypass". Man, I've never heard anything even close. That's a grand slam! Usually you're stuck with varying degrees of tone suck and you just have to deal with it. In my case, I've been using pedal switchers for years to have a separate loop for everything to try and avoid the crap. (By the way, I rarely, if ever, comment on anything) To my ears, running thru the bypassed Wah Full sounds even better than running straight to the amp! Never thought I'd live to see the day... great job guys!"
15 years ago Robin Trower called me and said he was doing some gigs with Jack Bruce and asked "Would it be possible to have a wah wah in a regular box so that one could get that "fixed wah" sound by clicking on the pedal?" He's got the first one, I think I have the other one.
Recently Joe Satriani asked me for one, so I revisited the circuit adding a Volume Control, 3 selectable Range Modes (Wacked, Jimi, and Shaft) , a Pickup Compensator mini knob (humbucker guys rejoice!), and JFET input and output buffers. These buffers completely isolate the circuit from outside influence and are only in-play when the pedal is ON, giving it a much broader range of wah effect, interfacing with all types of PU's better, and working with any amp whether it be hi-gain or clean. Turns a Fender into a Vox, and allows infinite sustain with little or no Distortion.