Dirty Boy Germanium Boy - tgt11 - tgt11
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Dirty Boy Germanium Boy

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A multi-frequency booster with a 6-position frequency selector and a gain function. It allows you to choose which frequency you choose to boost. That is very important since it helps marry your guitar with whatever amp you are using.

If your guitar is too bassy, choose a high frequency to boost. If you have humbuckers and you wish for a single-coil sound, choose a higher frequency. If you have a single coil and want to fatten it up, use a low frequency. The same goes for the amp.

This pedal can be used on a microphone for effects, bass guitar, keyboards, nylon electric, horns, and digital mixes, the combinations are endless.

I build them with Germanium transistors that are about 40 years old and have smooth clipping, not with silicon transistors that tend to sound like razor blades. Of course, I only have a limited quantity of those transistors so you may want to consider this when ordering.

This pedal has been hugely popular with L.A.-based studio musicians as well as Emmy-winning producers. It is also great for live performances. These are true bypass and have an insert for a 9-volt wall wart (CENTER NEGATIVE) and have an LED as well for instant recognition.

As for the 2.0 update:

The board will now be "hot", which means that the moment you insert a jack in the input, you will be drawing current from the battery or adapter. That is how most pedals are wired. Without that feature you were able to hear a pop when engaging the pedal, however, the battery could last close to a year without replacement. The trick was to engage the pedal on the downbeat but some players did not grasp that concept, so I decided not to have to deal with their complaints by eliminating the problem.I also now use a linear pot for a fuzz pot rather than an audio pot.
I realized that the full sustain did not come on until the knob was at 85% but the advantage of that was that you could set up the pedal below unity gain, which you could not do with the audio pot.

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