Digitech Whammy DT

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Step down or step up 7 half steps or an entire octave
The Whammy DT gives you the latest pitch shifting technology to retune your guitar without ever touching the tuning pegs. Step up or down in 7 half steps, or an entire octave with just one setting.

Whammy effects capabilities
With all the new tuning capabilities, you still have your true pitch shifting effects to sweeten up all moments of your gig. With over 20 years of leading the market in pitch shifting, Whammy effects give you the comfort of knowing the pedal you are using is a proven winner.

Momentary footswitch for “hammer-on” and “pull-off” effects
You can instantly create hammer-on and pull-off effects during your performance with the momentary footswitch. Hold it on for quick chord shifts or note changes during your solo or a gritty bridge.