BJF Mint Green Mini Vibe

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V2 with added depth and slower speed options
The Mint Green Mini Vibe in not a 'Univibe clone' or a 'Leslie simulator'. Its a unique modualtion closer to a 3D bias tremolo with some extra movement, but none of the seasick wobble of the standard univibe sound. It becomes one with your sound rather than completely changing it into something else.
Its long been one of Bjorns' dreams to get this stunning modulation into the smaller size box, but this was never possible earlier. He also decided that it would be great to have access to the level boost trimmer thats always been inside the MGMV - its now on top so you can easily use it as a juicy harmonic enhancer with the Amplitude down. And it runs on standard 9V and will go from 8v-18v if you want to adjust the headroom and impact.
This is a modulation not to be missed!